Looking for an agent? Want to learn how to write a killer query? Wonder how a writer’s manuscript eventually lands on a shelf at the bookstore? Then check out these excellent agent blogs:
Nathan Bransford – Nathan’s an agent with Curtis Brown Ltd., and his blog is the place to be, judging by his enormous following. Some days, he’ll get several hundred comments. (Just try to be first, I dare you.) Plus, he’s funny and he knows what he’s talking about. Check out the Forums section to catch up.
BookEnds, LLC – Jessica Faust (with an occasional entry from Kim Lionetti) dispenses wise wisdom, about the agent biz in general, as well as offering some of her personal opinions on publishing. Good, solid advice here.
Pub Rants – Kristin Nelson sums up her blog in its subtitle: A Very Nice Literary Agent Indulges in Polite Rants About Queries, Writers, and the Publishing Industry. Timely industry news here, especially how it pertains to authors.
Query Shark and Janet Reid, Literary Agent – One agent, two blogs. On the aptly-named Query Shark, Janet Reid critiques queries (caveat querier), and on her “regular” agent blog, she provides an amusing assortment of posts and videos. Be sure to memorize her Rules for Writers in the sidebar.
These are just a few of my favorites; plenty of other agents are active in the blogosphere. In fact, I’m sure you could spend many hours a day checking out these blogs as you do your procrastinating research.
Good luck in your agent hunt!