Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Scurvy Dogs Unite!

I'm sure ye mateys already be knowin this, but today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, one o' me favrit days o' the yarr. pirattitude-cover_smallest

O' course, me close mates and me young uns get their fill might quick, and they be all babblin' at me to walk the plank--or else. Arrgghh, them scurvy dogs!

To celebrate the day, ye might get a chucklin' by doing what Cap'n Alan tells ye:

Proceed to yer Facebook page. Scroll down to the mid-depths, on yer right, neer the blasted copyright notice. Click whar it sez English, then spy ye whar it says English (Pirate). Click thar, and yer got yerself more fun than a barrel o' rum.

Avast and shiver me timbers! Have a grrreat day. Arrggh!


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