If I can’t toot my own horn here on my blog, then where else can I? (besides Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, my website, other people’s blogs, listservs, email loops, bookmarks, conventions, conferences, festivals, streetcorners…)
1) Tomorrow night, I’ll be interviewed on Triangle Variety Radio at 8:00 EDT. You can listen through your computer—just go to the link above, click a button, and make sure your speaker is on! The show is hosted by Elaine Raco Chase, who played an instrumental part in my writing career. You’ll have to tune in to see hear what! I’m just one of seven mystery writers she’ll be talking to from 8 – 11 pm (I’m first, at 8 pm).
2) If you like to read ebooks, then you’ll want to know about this website and newsletter. It’s Super E-Books.com, and it’s all about ebooks! Every month, they put out a newsletter that features FREE ebooks you can download. This month, THE TASTE is being offered FREE! Here’s the link for the newsletter. Visit today—these books are only FREE for a limited time!
3) And speaking of THE TASTE, I’d like to thank Betsy Ashton for the nice review on her blog, Write Now, Right Now. Thanks, Betsy—I’m tickled that you compared the book to the work of Thomas Tryon! And I’m pleased to announce that THE TASTE is now available for every ebook format!

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