Monday, November 29, 2010

Out There

When I first started “developing an on-line presence,” I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. The blogging, the Facebooking, the Twittering. Guest blogging. Being interviewed*. Commenting on other blogs. The YouTube of me pole dancing. I’m a private, introverted person, and I wasn’t sure all that interacting would suit me very well.

I guess I was wrong.

As I’ve become more comfortable putting myself “out there,” I’ve found that it’s not so bad. Even enjoyable at times. The best thing about it? The chance to meet so many great people. Other writers, readers, bloggers, stalkers, whatever. There’s quite a supportive community on the Interwebs. For that, I’m grateful

Now, with the release of KILLER ROUTINE about four months away, I’ve begun to think about maybe beginning to start planning for a blog tour.

Any suggestions?


*And speaking of interviews, Jean Henry Mead has an interview, with me, on her Mysterious Writers blog. Stop by and see what I have to say about writing, and improving one’s writing. Sorry, no YouTube video.



Anonymous said...

Alan - I couldn't agree more about the inestimable value of being "out there." I've gained much more from it than I can put in just one comment.

Here are a few things I've discovered that you may find useful: An author page on Goodreads; an author page on Facebook; an author page on Amazon's Author Central. All of these allow you to upload vidoes of yourself reading, announce your release, etc. Also, there's Crimespace, Linked-in and Author's Den to announce your release, upload videos, etc.. Oh, and Book Buzzr.

And, I suggest you Email that blogger at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist.... She'd love to host you on a tour stop...

Jenna said...

We'll be happy to have you visit us on the Working Stiffs, Alan!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'd suggest you have a tour stop at MWIM and MLK both! :)

Terry Odell said...

I'll be opening Terry's Place to guests for the new year very soon. Would love to see you there.

Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery

Alan Orloff said...

Margot - Thanks for those tips. Some I already do, but I'll have to check out the others. Yes, I'll have to email that blogger at Confessions. I understand it's a terrific blog.

Jennie - Thanks, I'm there!

Elizabeth - Thanks! I may have to pull out my Tofupalooza recipe.

Terry - Thanks! I'd love to come visit Terry's Place!

Cricket McRae said...

I'd be honored to host you on your tour, Alan!
Hearth Cricket

Mason Canyon said...

You're always welcome at Thoughts in Progress.

Thoughts in Progress

Alan Orloff said...

Cricket, Karen, and Mason - Thanks! And you'll be hearing from me!!!