Friday, July 2, 2010

Good Reading

When it comes to being a participant in on-line social media, I’d say I fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. I blog three times a week, not daily. I only tweet occasionally, and I update my Facebook status whenever the heck I feel like it.

I’m in the game in each arena, even though I’m no superstar (Cue the vuvuzelas. On second thought, don’t. I hate those annoying things).

I’m also starting to get more involved with Goodreads. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a social media site built around books. You can catalog the books you’ve read and want to read, you can make friends to talk with about books, you can rank and review books, and I’m sure you can do a bunch of other things I don’t even know about (Hopefully, it can write a synopsis for me, although I haven’t found that function yet. Maybe in the next release.)

One of the other things that you can do on Goodreads is give away books!

And that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m giving away three copies of DIAMONDS FOR THE DEAD. All you have to do is navigate to my book’s page, then go to the “win a copy of this book” section. Click on “Enter to win,” and you’re in the running. That’s all there is to it.*

I’m still learning about Goodreads. Do you have any tips for maximizing my enjoyment there? How about some of the other book-related sites (such as LibraryThing and Shelfari)? How do they compare?


* Well, almost all. I believe you have to join Goodreads to be eligible. And, um, you may have to move to the United States first. Sorry non-US residents—I’ll try to do a more inclusive giveaway next time!



Anonymous said...

Alan - Thanks for offering your giveaway. I wish I knew more about Goodreads, because it is a terrific site. I remain, though, woefully ignorant *sigh of exasperation*. I really do need to do something about that. Besides the social media you've mentioned, the only things I have been able to keep reasonably updated are my Amazon Author Central page and my page on Crimespace (have you heard of that? It's a social networking site for crime fiction readers and writers). There's only so much a person can do in one day *another sigh*.

Terry Odell said...

I have yet to figure out Goodreads. I know some authors do a lot of promo there, but it seems tacky to me to go to everyone and ask them/thank them for following (or whatever they call it there) and mentioning your book. I used to track all the books I was reading but am so far behind it's pitiful. I post those on my blog, anyway.

I also got a bit disillusioned when I'd see that my books hit someones 'to read' shelf only to find they already had 15,000 others on their list.

But maybe a giveaway would be a good thing, since I do have a new release now.

Alan Orloff said...

Margot - I'm with you. There seems to be a lot there--I just need to find some time to explore. And input all the books I've read! I have heard of crimespace (I'm even registered there), but I haven't really explored much.

Terry - I'll let you know how my experience goes. I always have trouble balancing "marketing" with "tacky."

Harvee said...

I use mostly goodeads as i like to see what other people are reading and what they think about the books. I love Goodreads as a matter of fact! Book Bird Dog.

Rosalind Adam said...

I've never visited Goodreads but will go and have a look. Thanks. You're very wise to only go on Twitter occasionally. The problem with Twitter is that it can swallow up too much valuable time.

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

I guess I fall on the low side of the spectrum as I cut back to a once a week blog which is usually when I tweet and Facebook, though some weeks go by before I get around to it. I'm on Goodreads but forget to visit and update. Now you've inspired me to find out more about it. Sorry I can't offer any tips.

Alan Orloff said...

BBD - I also find it very interesting to hear others' opinions of books. There sure is a wide range of likes and dislikes!

Rosalind - Yes. Twitter and Facebook and all the rest can be quite dangerous for the unfocused.

Jane - I wish I could blink and magically have all my books updated.