Back in my corporate life, I traveled to NYC on business every so often, but I’ve probably only been there three times in the last ten years (and two of those times were in the past two months).
Some things never change. New York is a wacky place.
Here are a few observations from my trip:
- I overheard two twenty-something guys talking on the street. First guy: “I slept in a bed last night.”
Second guy: <shrug>
First guy: “I slept in somebody’s bed.” - I saw a guy carrying a set of golf clubs through Grand Central Station.
- I saw a guy carrying a surfboard down 34th Street.
- I saw a lady wearing a post-surgical boot on one foot and a shoe with a 3-inch heel on the other.
- I saw a guy playing chicken with a taxi (I know, not too unusual).
For those of you who wanted to know about the “bus” part of my trip, it was great. Very convenient and comfortable, right up until we got the flat tire. Then, not so much.
Oh yeah, the Thrillerfest convention was great, too. I’ll post a recap of that later in the week.

I need more explanation for the two guys. Are we inferring someone got a lil somethin' somethin' or is he just thrilled he slept in a bed since he's been working all hours? I'm enjoying the picture of the surfboard floating down the sidewalk.
Ah, New York. Someday I MUST see it in person, rather than through the movies and TV.
Nothing like a little venture into the big city.
Elspeth - I was hoping to get a few theories here. These guys looked like college guys, pretty clean cut. My first impression was that they had maybe crashed at some kind of wild party and one of the guys had found somebody's bed to sleep in. I don't know, at the time, it struck me as bizarre. Seeing the exchange written down, it doesn't seem so weird.
Travis - Ain't that the truth.
New York was a little scary for me. Of course, it's been 22 years since I've been there! I remember I was almost run over by a taxi (as a pedestrian)...and yelled at by the taxi driver for being in the way. I apologized to the taxi driver and a fellow pedestrian fussed at me for apologizing for almost being killed! :)
I love New York. There's no other place like it anywhere!
Giggles and Guns
Elizabeth - It is a scary place. But if you can make it there...
Mary - It's crowded and smelly and noisy and expensive and dirty and there's no other place like it anywhere.
Nothing like a NYC an inspirational place for writers, though I'd stick with Chicago ;)
I’ve only been to New York City once and I loved it, but I thought it was like visiting a foreign country.
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